If you would like to put someone’s name on our prayer/healing list, please click below. No names will be displayed on the website, but all names will receive daily prayers from our healing chain.
If you would like to become a member of our prayer chain and share prayers for all those on our list, please click below and let us know of your intention to do so.
My life has been very blessed, and I am so grateful to be able to meet and truly connect with all of my clients, students, and other friends – as well as with all of their spirit people. What a blessing to have such radiant people (in both worlds) touch my life. I want to say thank you to you all – known and unknown – who help to bring grace and compassion to the world and to me. I invite you to join our prayer chain to allow yourself the opportunity to pray in gratitude. Every time we say thank you to the Universe – and especially when we do it in prayer – we help to bring a resonance of joy and well-being to all. So, click below and let us know if you'd like to become a part of our prayer chain to pray for those in need and with those who are grateful.
Check this page regularly for prayers of healing, help, joy and gratitude. Here is one of my favorites. It’s believed that if you say this prayer three times each day, you will receive the outcome you desire.
The Prayer of Jabez
Father, oh Father, Oh that you
would bless me, indeed, and
enlarge my territory. Oh,
that your hand would
be with me. And keep me
from evil that I may
not cause pain, I pray.